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Best of the Best Contest
November, 2021
Best of Show

#9A Divna Pesic Grozdanov
“Weird Dream” - 40x50”, oil on canvas
Contest Submissions

#1A Kathy Christian
"Nosey Neighbors " Colored Pencil

#1B Kathy Christian
"Panna Park Tigress " Mixed Media

#2A Cher Pruys
"Kissing Cousins" Acrylic

#2B Cher Pruys
"Innocence" Acrylic

#3A Beate Blume
"Safe and Sound" Acrylics on canvas

#3B Beate Blume
"Winterfox" Acrylics on canvas

#4A Steven Iseman
"Watch Maker's Cabinet" (2021) - PolyLactic Acid applied in layers until 3d

#4B Steven Iseman
"The Shape of Things ... (that I have stepped on)" (2021) - PolyLactic Acid applied in layers until 3d

#5A Alfred Freddy Krupa
"From life: the view from my window" Acrylic on canvas

#5B Alfred Freddy Krupa
"Emanuel" Oil on canvas

#6A Gabriela Gonzalez Dellosso
"Genevevieve Estelle Jones’s Dream" Oil

#6B Gabriela Gonzalez Dellosso
“Homage to Constance Mayer” Pastel and Watercolor

#7A Jon Bøe Paulsen
Preparations for "The Black Swan" - Watercolor

#7B Jon Bøe Paulsen
"Portrait of Peter T. Smedvig" - Oil on canvas.

#8A Linda McCord
"Service for One" - watercolor

#8B Linda McCord
"Funny Pages" - watercolor

#9A Divna Pesic Grozdanov
“Weird Dream” - 40x50”, oil on canvas

#9B Divna Pesic Grozdanov
“Victory Salute”, 120x160 cm, oil on canvas

#10A Daniela Rum
"Mine...!" - Soft Pastel on Pastelmat paper

#10B Daniela Rum
"Secretum Mundi" - Soft Pastel on Pastelmat paper

#11A Mia Angela Orogo
"When She Looks" - Digital Painting

#11B Mia Angela Orogo
"If Only..." - Digital Painting

#12A Paco Martin
"The Dance of the Leaves" - Colored pencils.

#12B Paco Martin
"Spherical Reflections" - Colored pencil and graphite.

#13A Michael Dumas
"Influx" Oil on Russian birch
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