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公 开赛
2021 年 10 月

#4A Paco Martin
"Tangerine Reflections" Colored pencil on paper

#8B Serghei Ghetiu
"In the kingdom of nature" oil on canvas

#17A Jon Bøe Paulsen
"The Last Letter" Oil on canvas

#18A Debbie Morris
"Golden Gaze" Pastel

#1A Tina Stauss
"Bee in Space" Acrylic on canvas

#1B Tina Stauss
"What lies beneath" Acrylic on canvas

#2A Kseniya Fleysher
"Sincerity" Watercolour on canvas

#2B Kseniya Fleysher
"Everything I believed in" Watercolour on canvas

#3A Anthony Reganato
"Asylum" Mixed Media

#3B Anthony Reganato
"Kingdom 2" Mixed Media

#4A Paco Martin
"Tangerine Reflections" Colored pencil on paper

#4B Paco Martin
"End of Game" Colored pencil on paper

#5A Aye Kid
"Beach" oil painting

#5B Aye Kid
"Still Life" Oil painting

#6A Linda McCord
"1941 Chevy"

#6B Linda McCord
"Restored Ford"

#7A Kathryn Christian
"Sitara" Colored Pencil

#7B Kathryn Christian
"Stalker" Gouache

#8A Serghei Ghetiu
"Lost in the rain" oil on canvas

#8B Serghei Ghetiu
"In the kingdom of nature" oil on canvas

#9A Joel Goldfoot
"Riddle" - Digital

#9B Joel Goldfoot
"Wabi-sabi" - Digital

#10A Cher Pruys
"Entranced" Acrylic

#10B Cher Pruys
"Bottled Light" Acrylic

#11A Isaiah Legette
(Untitled) - Oil on canvas

#11B Isaiah Legette
"A Greater Vision" - Oil on canvas

#12A Jamaal shine
"Zaoirse" Digital Painting on IPad

#12B Jamaal shine
"O-Ren's Wrath" Digital painting on IPad

#13A Beate Blume
"Just Curious" Acrylics on canvas
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